Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More of little Q and the girls

I took these pics with my cell of Q after Church on Sunday.  He is growing like a weed!  I think he has about outgrown sz1 diapers.  SO SAD!!! He is starting to smile.  He is such a sweet blessing!

The Girls and Quentin.  They love him!  In fact I heard them arguing yesterday about who loved him more.  "I do!" "No, I do!"  "NO!  I DOOOOO"  This went on and on.
It was pretty funny.
So Jordan is in Young Women's' at church.  This picture if of her at new beginnings at church.  All the girls wore formals. Let me tell you her dad about had a heart attach!  Kris is definitely freaking out. Hehehe!  She is growing SOOOOOOOOO fast. She wears a sz 9 1/2 shoe, is taller than me now, and has taken ALL of my clothes from before I was pregnant.  In fact a lot of the pants are now too short.  Crazy!  


  1. Wow I can see why her dad was freaking. She looks so grown up and pretty in her dress. The baby sure is cute. Makes me want another!!

  2. She looks so pretty. What was the occasion?

  3. What a beauty!! I think it is hilarious that Kris is freaking out : ) Poor guy!
