Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Getting Huge

So for all who haven't seen me in a while I took a pic of myself w/my cell phone. Kris had my camera and was in Texas this past week/weekend w/my dad. Dad had to bring some horses back from Texas, so Kris flew there and helped drive back. Anyway, I am almost 35 wks pregnant. I was on bed rest for several days last week because contractions were down to 5min apart (Scary!). I am proud to say, that is over and now I am back to normal. We have a 3-D ultrasound tomorrow. I will be posting more pics tomorrow!!!!


  1. Your belly is SUPER cute! Sorry to hear you were having contractions like that, scary! Let us know if you need anything, if you ever need somebody to pick your kids up from school either Jeremy or I would be happy to.

    Chris needs to tell Jeremy it's okay to have 5 kids, Jeremy thinks we are over the top with the 4 we have. :)

  2. You look great! I am happy to hear that the contractions went down. Take it easy! You are on the down hill slide now! Let me know if I can do anything for you. I would be more than happy to help!
